liljekvist's Project Blog

First year in university. A reflection post.

Unveiling the Unconventional: My journey into programming began with coding independently, where I explored fascinating projects in my free time. However, the transition to structured university co...

A Website for a hairsalon

Frisör Cleopatra is a website that me and two others are developing for a (fake) client. It’s a part of TE4 that I am attending at the moment. The website is based on the idea of older web browsers...

A simple clock made with raylib

As the title suggests, its a clock that views the time and events that occur during that day. Its main purpose is to help me and my classmates keep track of time. While also having some fun feature...

Privacy focused forum

I’m working on a concept website together with a friend. It has a backend written in C++ and a frontend using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We have divided the work into frontend and backend. Im doing ...

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